Using FreshBooks With Your Clients

Let’s take a look at some of the key accounting features you’ll find in FreshBooks.


This at-a-glance look at your client’s day-to-day financials gives them and you a quick snapshot of some of the most important numbers for decision-making.

Accountant Team Role

Accountants can review account owners' financial reports and help balance their books. Only the Accountant can customize the Chart of Accounts (CoA) and create journal entries.


FreshBooks has many detailed and customizable reports for expenses, payments, cash flow, and accounting. This includes the General Ledger, Balance Sheet, P&L, and Chart of Accounts.

Learn Everything You Need to Know About FreshBooks

A Word From the Author

“Before joining FreshBooks, I ran my own accounting firm. So I get the importance of using an accounting platform that your clients understand and that sets them (and you) up for success.


Since 2003, FreshBooks has been a go-to solution for business owners. More recently, we’ve focused on expanding our accounting features—adding a General Ledger, Financial Reporting, and more—to help you and your clients work better together.


Want to learn more? This eBook is a great place to start.”

Twyla Verhelst, CPA
Founder, FreshBooks Accounting Partner Program